Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions. Interested in open board positions? Contact us!
Quick Meet of Your PTO
Heather Greenwood-President (760) 880-3911
Tracey Emmons - Vice President
Ashley Hicks-Vice President
Diana Rosas- Treasurer
Annie Hollins-Secretary
Bethany & Jesus Quero - members at large
Community Outreach & Volunteer Coordinators
(760) 835-2924 Jesus, (760) 285-5422 Bethany
Ramona Thiel - Spirit Store Chair
Julie Denzer-member at large
Vanessa Lopez- member at large
Lavelle Jacobson - member at large, Dance Chair
Kailee Watson- member at large, 5th grade Committee Chair, Cougar Deliveries
Stephanie Rice -AR Parties, Dance Co-Chair & Cabaret Chair
Sergio Rosas- member at large
Erika Garcia- member at large
Mariano Garcia- member at large
Carol Howe and Cassie Horwitz - Teachers members at large
Questions? Email Info@CarterPTO.com
We look forward to meeting you and building a great school community for our kids!
Please join us for our next meeting!
Please use this link to access meeting agendas & minutes, financials, our by-laws and more.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 11
- Friday, May 9
- Friday, May 30